(Cubism) (Impressionism)
The facts that I found most interesting or surprising while conducting my research, was the artistic movements that Pablo Picasso most associated with, and the artistic movements that Claude Monet most associated with. Cubism is the artistic movement that Pablo Picaso most associater with, and impressionism is the artistic movement that Claude Monet most associated with. Cubism is a style that emphasizes structure and design, in which artists tried to show all sides of 3-D objests on a flat canuas. Impressionism is described an art style taht tried to capture an impression of what thy eye sees at a given movement and the effects of sunlight. Those are the two new things I learn while doing this project.
I think your essay is great!
you learn a lot~
I like your essay...^-^
Put the pictures in the post about that subject, not on the side. I'd expand on the information as well. The pictures are good.
I love picasso's pictures and your essay!
I love the pictures because they're well chosen examples of each style and of course, beautiful in their own ways.
You don't really say much except how each style is defined and the name of a famous artist associated with each style.
I want to know when these styles of painting first became popular and what was going on in the world at the time? where the "schools" of artists were, where were they painting? why they chose to paint in such styles? how did they paint like this-new techniques? and how did the public react to these very different trends in art?
BTW, I disagree with Jeff about the placement of the art. I think it helps to have them side by side as contrast. It shows your confidence in the reader to be able to tell which is which after reading your essay.
you know that i'm really interested in art, if not, then now you do. So i guess i am pretty amaze, i like your psot about cubism, it caught my attention
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